Easy Service


- E-commerce services


- PHP for website, android and ios app


Project Overview

Gone are the days when someone had to go through Yellow Pages for finding electricians, or plumbers around them. This E-commerce service website and application brings together local service providers and customers onto a single platform. Customers can search and select their preferred professionals from categories like beauty, gardening, plumbing, housekeeping, etc and pay at an hourly rate. Through this app, service providers can also cho


Client Background

Our clients from Europe are a group of investors who are leading their own companies and taking them to newer heights.

Business Needs

Our client had an idea of developing a platform that makes booking home services easy and hassle-free. The aim is to bring professionals like beauticians, plumbers, gardeners, painters, etc. closer to their customers while building trust and transparency between them.


The Challenge

The client had their own set of designs and timeframes that were to be strictly followed during the development period. Developing the backend with the functionality of holding a payment unless work is done by a professional was difficult to integrate. The client wanted us to use Web Push notification to make the website more user-friendly and engaging. Also, frequent changes in test cases brought challenges for our website developers.

Our Solution

Though having a constricted timeframe, our developers stood up to the expectations of our client. The website and app were developed using PHP in the Laravel framework and Kotlin respectively. Web Push notifications were made possible by using Firebase integration and suitable APIs for the system were used that could hold the payment made by the user.

The app has a different interface depending on the type of user, that is, customer and worker.
The customer can log in and explore categories of the work they need, select the service provider suitable for the job, set a date and time, and make the required payment. Features like live chatting, 24*7 support, and trusted reviews have been provided to build transparency between the customer and worker. On the other hand, the worker may log in or register their work range and details within the application, select their time and date of availability, and choose a job at their own convenience.


Key Outcomes

The idea of this project was majorly appreciated by the working-class community who now had a platform to have a perfect work-life balance while letting them turn their talents into incomes. Trust and transparency build between customers and workers make it the most downloaded application across Europe.

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