Aphelion Wallet


- Finance and Banking


- Vue.js, Electron Desktop Wallet Application, BIP39 libraries for BTC and ETH support


Company Background
- Financial Start-up Company.

Project Overview

The project involved the development of a trading platform of some cryptocurrencies like Neo, ETH-based assets, with support for NEO tokens and ERC20 within a decentralized and trustless environment.


Client Background

The client is a cryptocurrency-based financial startup that manages a Decentralized P2P Trading Platform for its clients to trade cryptocurrencies. The client wishes to operate the trading platform without delays with utmost transparency and a hassle-free experience for end customers.

Business Needs

The client wanted to operate a decentralized P2P Trading Platform that functions without a central authority in place. Most exchanges and platforms charge exorbitant fees, incessant delays in facilitating transactions, huge number of frozen funds, and a plethora of hijacked tokens that could guarantee conversion into currency of the client’s liking.


The Challenge

The client wanted to introduce an HD wallet that is rooted in the P2P trading experience supporting BTC, ETCH, and NEO crypto-coins. He wanted the platform to be open source and community-driven too.

As our team is one of the most dedicated team we have done sufficient research and gave our inputs to the client made necessary changes and developed the platform.

Our Solution

Yudiz developed a decentralized, trustless P2P trading platform for handling several cryptocurrencies with efficiency and security, away from the prying eyes of the authorities. The decentralized, open-source platform offers direct peer-to-peer trading without the need for any central authority.

The wallet and the trading platform enables universal cross-border trading of cryptocurrency ensuring prompt buying and selling of cryptocurrencies.
Here are some salient features:

  • The platform is based on the Distributed Exchange Asset Ledger (D.E.A.L.) and the decentralized application (DApp).
  • The platform is built on NEO blockchain that also provides users with a wallet for the ultimate peer-to-peer trading experience with traders worldwide.
  • The platform facilitates portfolio on-chain and cross-chain with the help of smart contract technology.
  • The smart wallet features Ledger Support showcasing a fantastic user interface, real-time trading data rendered in charts, etc. This e-Wallet is a BIP39 HD wallet with support for BTC, ETH and NEO crypto-currencies. One can use this wallet using a single BIP39 wallet key to sign in for performing transactions.
  • It is also the first platform to support P2P smart contract and wallet-based trading across all channels.

No more high fees, delays, lack of funds, locked and frozen trades and stolen tokens. The platform ensures a giant leap in cryptocurrency trading evolution.


Key Outcomes

  • Decentralized, open-source, and trustless P2P trading platform for cryptocurrency users.
  • Includes an HD desktop multi-wallet for housing cryptocurrency coins of Neo, Neo-based assets, BTC, ETH and ERC20.
  • The smart wallet features BIP39 support along with ledger support showcasing a fantastic UI, real-time trading data, tailored address book, and comprehensive Nep5 token integration.
  • First-of-its-kind technology for P2P smart contract management.
  • Facilitates wallet-based trading across Desktop, iOS, Android and Mobile Web.
  • Initiated trades can be conducted on-chain or cross-chain between users with relevant terms that need to be set, accepted and passed.
  • Ensures automatic redistribution of APH tokens during P2P trading.
  • Does not work like a hosted exchange, since it does not store tokens and is transparent and community-driven in its transactional approach.
  • Compatible with Mac, Windows, and Linux.

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